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Philatelic Literature

APS Library
The largest collection of philatelic literature in the world. Bibliographical database can be searched on-line through a Retrieval software DB/Text WebPublisher. Alternative address The APRL

British Library Philatelic Collections
A great set of collection of books on philately, especially covering the vast British Empire when it was a super power.

International Stamp & Exhibition Newspaper
Published by Stanley Gibbons, the newspaper covers much of British exhibits and forthcoming international events.

Linn's Stamp News
World's largest monthly stamp news and marketplace. It also offers 18 soft cover books from US Stamps Yearbooks to Handbooks.

NetCollection Philatelic Bookstore
A new free service where a philatelist can compare prices and shipping rates from 9 online bookstores, and find the best deal on any philatelic title.

Philatelic Bibliopole
Philatelic Bibliopole is by Leonard H. Hartmann. It deals with authoritative philatelic books and literature since 1965. New books are stocked from over 100 publishers with emphasis on: US Stamps and Postal History, CSA, Maritime, Fakes & Bogus, Bibliographies, GB and the Empire in addition to Classic Stamp.

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The Compulatelist
Titles of previous issues posted on the PCSG's web site, maintained by Bob de Violini.

The American Philatelist
The official publication of American Philatelic Society.

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