1998 Subway Stamp Co. Catalog Dateline: 01/31/98 | Source: Subway Stamp Co.'s 1998 Catalog.
Important: Nothing for sale is offered hereof. This is for information purposes only. Kindly contact Subway Stamp Co. should you like to have the items listed. Subway Stamp Company have recently released their 1998 Catalog listing an array of stock sheets, stamp albums from Elbe, Lighthouse, Ka-Be, Scott, Minkus, H.E. Harris, White Ace, Safe, Lindner; philatelic accessories, reference books and numismatists' supplies. Interestingly, with Philippine stamp collectors in mind, Subway offers the following: Regional-Country 2-Post 9½X11" pages, (Item No. MK-5852). [p. 31]Philippines 1854-1992. Sale. A three-part supplement, usually issued on June of a particular year, are offered for 1993, 1994, and 1995. Scott National Series 10X11" page album. (Item No. SP-6P1) [p.26]US Possessions (Canal Zone, Guam, Hawaii, Danish West Indies, US Administration of Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico) 1851-1978. Sale Album Pages : Scott Supplements. (Item No SC-228S+Year) [p.28]Scott Supplements from 1994 to 1996. Reference Books [p.63] Philippine Fiscal Stamps Catalog 1898-1946 (Item No. DG-35) Postal Stationery (Item No. PS-37) Sale The Postage Stamps of the Philippines by Bartels (1904) (Item No. TP-59) Sale Packets-Country Collection [p.67].Priced 20% to 40% below retail price -- include mint, used, or a mixture of mint and used. All different stamps at packets of »200 pieces , »300, »500, »600, »800, »30 Japanese Occupation, »300 Pictorials, »500 Pictorials, »600 Pictorials.