Philippine Centennial 3-Way Commemorative Stamps Dateline: 06/15/98 | Source: National Centennial Commission flyer, June 12, 1998 In celebration of the Philippine Centennial of independence on June 12, 1998, the Philippine Postal Corporation in cooperation with the National Centennial Commission (NCC) released a limited edition Philippine Centennial 3-Way Commemorative Stamps. The stamps are issued jointly by the Philippine Centennial Commission, the Postal Services of Mexico, the Organismo Autonomo Correos y Telegrafos of Spain and the Philippine Postal Corporation. In strips of three, each of the three countries issued three stamps in their respective countries' denomination, and the three stamps featured the historical contribution of Spain and Mexico's to the Philippine history. The Spanish stamp featured the introduction of the Roman Catholic faith. The vignette shows the image of the Infant Jesus [Sto. Niño], with a church facade in th background, the Philippine and Spanish flags. The Mexican stamp featured the trade links between the Mexico and the Philippines through the Galleon Trade. The vignette depicted a cargo ship during the Galleon Trade and the flag of Mexico. The Philippine stamp featured a Filipina holding the Philippine flag, the Spanish conquistadors, the ship of the Galleon Trade, with a relief map of the Philippines on the background. The Philippine Centennial Logo also appears.